Speaking Engagements

Upcoming conferences

Justin Kennedy and I will be presenting “The State of Modern Password Cracking” at the RSA conference in San Francisco, CA on March 2nd. The talk will provide an overview of how password authentication works, how it gets broken, and what we can do to reduce the risk of stolen passwords.

Upcoming conferences

I’ve got 2 conferences coming up on the calendar:

On October 23rd I will be presenting “David and Goliath: Protecting yourself from state sponsored hackers” at the ISSA International conference in Orlando, FL. The talk will provide a high-level description of how state-sponsored attackers operate and what businesses can do to help protect their sensitive data. The keynote speaker for the event is the director of the NSA and I’m coming with a slide deck full of documents leaked by Mr Snowden so it ought to be interesting.

And on March 25th I will be presenting “These are the Droids that are Looking for You” at the InfoSec World 2015 Conference and Expo in Orlando, FL. This talk will cover how the mobile malware ecosystem operates and what can be done to prevent infection.