
The changing face of malware

Stories are circulating about a “remote access trojan” for Android that made its way into the Google Play store. This malware is making headlines due to its ability to activate cameras and microphones to spy on victims but what is also interesting is that the malware comes from a malware construction kit known as Dendroid.

The existence of the Dendroid toolkit isn’t surprising. As mobile platforms are increasingly used to handle sensitive data, both personal and business, the criminal elements that profit from the information captured by malware will shift more attention to these platforms in order to expand their illicit businesses. The pattern used by Dendroid is a familiar one: virus construction kits have existed for years, allowing attackers to quickly and easily combine various vulnerability exploits with malicious payloads in a customized package.

The malware generated by Dendroid managed to evade Google’s detection mechanisms and has since been picked up by antivirus signatures but this is only the first step in what will be a cat-and-mouse game. As we’ve seen with traditional malware, the authors will now begin modifying their software to evade the latest antivirus signatures, always trying to stay one step ahead of the vendors. The Target breach is a high profile example of this modus operandi: the malware used on Target’s point-of-sale systems was believed to have been purchased on an underground market where it had been available for months, if not years, and was then modified to evade antivirus detection before being deployed.

Evading Antivirus
Modifying malware to evade antivirus solutions is made simple by the very methods that antivirus software uses to detect malicious code: most antivirus solutions are signature based. When a new virus sample is found “in the wild” the antivirus vendors will look for unique patterns in the files or in the behaviors of the offending code and build a signature based on these patterns. These signatures are then added to a database that is distributed to the antivirus installations deployed around the world. The antivirus software simply looks for the signature patterns contained in their databases and then alerts on or quarantines any suspect files.

This approach may be effective at preventing a common virus from spreading widely across the Internet when virus samples can be identified and signatures generated but the approach quickly becomes ineffective in the face of custom-assembled malware; a malware author can simply review the same antivirus software databases in order to determine how not to trip any signatures when he develops a piece of malicious code and test the code against live antivirus installations to be sure. If the resulting malware is only deployed against a few selected targets there will be no publicly circulating samples for antivirus vendors to build signatures off of and the malicious code will likely remain undetected until a breach is well underway unless the target has other behavior detection and response capabilities deployed besides antivirus.

There is an inherent limit to how quickly signatures can be developed: antivirus vendors must first find a sample of the malware, examine it for patterns, and then carefully test the resulting signatures in order to avoid false-positive results once it is deployed. If a signature is not specific enough it can cause the antivirus solution to alert on legitimate software that just happens to match the signature patterns. Despite the efforts of the antivirus vendors this does happen occasionally and can have catastrophic consequences when critical files end up automatically quarantined and systems crash. As a point of reference, it took about 2 weeks after the Target breach was announced before signatures that would detect the malware used in their environment began to be released.

Malware authors are also becoming more creative in deploying their malware, utilizing “dropper” code that causes the initial infection, installs a separate backdoor, and then deletes itself in order to avoid leaving any files behind to be sampled by antivirus vendors. This makes the development of antivirus signatures that can stop the initial infection more difficult, even for more widely spread viruses, as there are no samples. Antivirus vendors also try to analyze virus files in an isolated “sandbox” environment so that they don’t unintentionally infect their own systems. Malware authors can design their code so that it can attempt to detect these sandbox environments and alter its behavior to prevent effective analysis.

Evading Google
The mobile app marketplace has gravitated toward a model with centralized app stores that is very different from the distributed model common to the personal computer world. The malware generated by Dendroid is a member of a specific sub-class of viruses uniquely suited to distribution in the app store model, called “trojans” after the infamous trojan horse: the malicious code is attached to another, often legitimate, program that potential victims would be likely to voluntarily download and run. The idea of getting a malicious app into a sanctioned app store is a very enticing prospect for a malware author as it will be almost guaranteed to have more exposure than software on a standalone website. Furthermore, users trust software on these sanctioned app stores and are unlikely to even consider that there may be embedded malicious code.

Google (and Apple) recognize the trust users place in their marketplaces and attempt to prevent malware from ending up in the stores. This is typically done by running an app that has been submitted to the store in another “sandbox” environment, basically a virtual machine that simulates an actual mobile device. The behavior of the software within the sandbox is monitored by QA staff to determine if it performs any suspicions actions when run. This sandbox environment is very similar to the way antivirus vendors monitor the behavior of malware samples in order to build signatures and a technique that virus authors have been using to prevent analysis of their malicious code has been adapted by Dendroid to sneak its malware past Google’s checks: detect whether the software is being executed on an actual device or in a sandboxed virtual environment and if it is in a virtual machine suppress any malicious behavior to avoid detection.

What about Apple
A recent study indicated that 97% of mobile malware is on the Android platform which is an incredible result considering the widespread popularity of Android’s main rival, Apple’s iOS. One would expect malware authors to target any popular platform rather than focusing on one and ignoring the other half of the market. A likely reason for this phenomenon is the very openness of the Android platform that causes many of it’s users to choose it over Apple’s competing products with their “walled garden” approach.

Apple’s mobile platforms are very restrictive when compared to the freewheeling personal computer world and the Android platform where any software can be run and nearly every aspect of the platform can modified at will. With a few setting changes Android users can access alternative app stores (often riddled with malware), allow apps to interact with each other, and access or change the operating system software at a very low level. Apple on the other hand restricts their users to official apps from the official app store only, prevents apps from communicating with each other except in very specifically defined ways, shields the underlying operating system from the user, and works very hard to prevent jailbreaks that would allow users to bypass these restrictions. The restrictions placed on iOS users and apps makes it much more difficult for users to perform actions that would result in the successful installation of malware and limit the damage that malware could cause to the system if installed.

Besides the apparent security benefits of Apple’s restrictive walled garden, Apple’s vigorous attempts to prevent jailbreaks is also likely to be a contributing factor in the platform’s resistance to malware. Jailbreak software that allows users to bypass Apple’s restrictions in iOS function by exploiting bugs in the operating system in order to gain low level access and open a backdoor that offers the user a greater degree of control over their device than Apple intended. This is the exact same technique that malware uses to gain access to a system and open a backdoor for attackers to take control. Apple is engaged in its own cat-and-mouse game with the authors of jailbreak software, quickly patching the bugs that allow jailbreaks to function and thereby also closing many of the holes that malware would be able to use in order to break out of an app and compromise the underlying system.

Playing Defense
Mobile malware is here to stay and companies must consider what they can do to protect themselves from it. Unlike desktop PCs, mobile devices are often used outside the company’s security perimeter where they can be exposed to any number of threats.

Antivirus should be considered a first-line defense against common viruses that have begun to spread widely but it is ineffective at stopping most targeted attacks or viruses in the early stages of their spread. It should not be considered a standalone substitute for other security mechanisms.

Similarly, the mobile platform vendors’ methods of controlling access to their app marketplaces also have their limits. Much like the game between malware authors and antivirus vendors, there will be constant attempts to evade whatever controls are put in place to keep malware out of app stores and Google or Apple’s approvals can not be completely relied upon. In spite of this it would appear that, faced with iOS as a much tougher target for malware than Android, attackers have been focusing their efforts on Google’s platform. Apple’s iOS is still a very enticing target and malware will certainly be released for the platform but, for now at least, it would appear that the security risk on iOS is much lower than on Android. This of course assumes that users are not jailbreaking their devices and bypassing all of Apple’s controls that make the platform a more difficult target.

Ultimately the solution is a combination of techniques based on the risk mobile devices pose to an organization: Companies must think very carefully about the risks of allowing sensitive information on a privately owned device where little control can be exercised over the other software installed on the device, or conversely about what software they allow to be installed on company-owned devices. In most cases old technologies like antivirus should be combined with newer technologies like Mobile Device Management to provide defense-in-depth while increasing monitoring, alerting, and response capabilities so that potential breaches can be detected and stopped before they get out of hand.